Wonder Park

Wonder Park is an upcoming 2019 American-Spanish computer animated adventure comedy film. A young imaginative girl named June (Brianna Denski) spent her childhood days constructing an amusement park filled with fantastical rides and inhabited by talking animals called Wonderland with her mother (Jennifer Garner) and her friends. After growing up, she lost her sense of imagination and wonder, until she finds the real Wonderland in the woods. She needs to team up with the animals to stop the destruction of Wonderland by Chimpanzombies and bring it back to life. (Credit: Wikipedia)

Wonder Park will feature the voices of Brianna Denski, Matthew Broderick, Jennifer Garner, Ken Hudson Campbell, Kenan Thompson, Ken Jeong, Mila Kunis, John Oliver, Kath Soucie, David Cross and Norbert Leo Butz. The film is scheduled to be released on March 15, 2019.
